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5 Reasons Why Child Nutrition Is So Important

Nutrition and diet are the most important part of a child’s diet helping them to develop strong bones, increase oxygen, metabolism and of course their immunity. More often than not, in today’s fast paced world, more and more parents are ignoring kid’s nutrition that leads to an increased number of diseases, and also obesity.  A good and healthy diet for children should consist of a balanced one of protein, carbohydrate and vegetables including healthy fats. Besides this here are 5 important factors to keep in mind regarding child nutrition.

1. Why is Nutrition so Important for Children

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The main factor of kid’s nutrition is the relationship of it with health and learning.  It is nutrition that is one of the three main factors that a child’s development depends on. According to research, nutrition in the first 12 years of a child’s development helps improve their health and academic performance in later years.

2. Nutrition and health

One of the biggest impacts of child nutrition is health. Eating the right type of foods at an early age not only impacts the physiological development of a child such as stronger bones, it also increases immunity which stabilizes and strengthens the body conditioning it to withstand the onslaught of diseases and viruses that everyone is at risk throughout life.

The benefits of kid’s nutrition to health are endless. A child needs as much nutrients from food as they can get. In child nutrition, a well-nourished child possesses an increased ability to fight off infection. It leads to fewer risks of illnesses arising out of deficiencies.

3. Nutrition needs balance

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When it concerns kids’ nutrition, a balance should be maintained where in the first two years; a child should get enough iron which is an important component of brain tissue. Iron deficiency can lead to behavioral problems and even delayed psychomotor development. However, excess iron can also be harmful. Poor kid’s nutrition can lead to a reduction of activity levels, social interaction and good cognitive function.

4. Nutrition and Academic Performance

Research has proven that kids nutrition as early as 4 months can impact the learning ability years later. For example, a breastfed child leads to higher IQ. Under nourished young school going children can get sick more often and miss out in education. Research has also shown that school age children who ate a good breakfast did better in school in comparison to those who did not.

5. Nutrition and obesity

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Today there are several young kids suffering from obesity mainly because the aspects of kid’s nutrition have not been taken care of by parents. Processed foods, frozen dinner, fast food, bottled fruit juices and sugary sweets are forming a major part of a child’s diet today. This is a dangerous aspect that will only harm a child’s health and decrease his own immunity and health in later years.

Rather than fast food, a child should be encouraged to eat a good amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, popcorn, quinoa, or brown or wild rice. Limit refined grains such as white bread, pasta and rice. For protein choose seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans, peas, unsalted nuts and seeds. All fresh vegetables should be encouraged including the leafy dark green ones. Low fat or fat free dairy products are also good elements of child nutrition.

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